Can probiotics combat the health risks linked to obesity?

Though we don't hear quite so much about the obesity epidemic as we have in years past – the term, once emblazoned on newspapers everywhere, seems to have fallen out of fashion – carrying this extra weight still presents considerable concerns for global health as a whole. Obesity has been linked to increased rates of heart disease, diabetes and arthritis, which has spurred organizations like the American Heart Association to launch public awareness campaigns encouraging healthy diets and exercise.

Recently, the medical journal Clinical Nutrition published a study on probiotics and herbal treatments as a means to counter some health risks of obesity.

"Probiotics help maintain balance in composition of the gut microbiota, and have been considered as a potential treatment for obesity," the study abstract states. "This study was conducted in order to assess the effects of probiotics when combined with herbal medicine in treatment of obesity."

The scientists found that taking probiotic supplements could potentially boost energy metabolism among obese individuals, resulting in reduced waist circumference and improved obesity biomarkers. Further research is necessary to confirm this correlation, but given how essential a healthy gut is, not just for weight management but overall health, it isn't surprising that supporting the digestive system could result in beneficial weight loss.

It is widely known that probiotics can play a role in healthy digestion, but research has also shown associations with improved immunity, brain health and more. Click here to read more information about our probiotic supplements.

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