Using an animal model, the researchers sought to determine if taking curcumin supplements could preserve brain function and provide memory support for mice that had been exposed to OKA contamination.
Archive for the ‘Digestive Support’ Category
Probiotics could provide relief from this digestive disorder
Scientists from King’s College Hospital in London will be administering probiotics to a group of 200 individuals with diverticulitis over the course of three months, during which time their symptoms will be evaluated monthly.
Scientists discover link between probiotics and brain health
She scientists found that the females who consumed probiotics displayed a different degree of cognitive responsiveness than those who did not take in the good bacteria.
Infant prebiotics may combat certain allergen-based conditions
Prebiotics are the compounds that actually feed the good bacteria – also known as probiotics – that promote overall gut health.
How probiotics promote gut health in the face of stress
a new study from the University of Michigan has revealed that probiotics – the good bacteria already known to promote gut health in general – may be able to reverse the effects of stress and keep it from aggravating existing intestinal disorders.
How curcumin may ease gastric issues for diabetics
With each new study, it seems that the clinical applications of curcumin supplements continue to expand.
Study shows link between gut bacteria and cholesterol
Thus far, many people are aware of how to avoid cholesterol in terms of their dietary choices. However, this study may prove beneficial in managing the damage that can be done by this build up.
Study shows curcumin may help restore damaged liver
Curcumin supplements may be able to spur the growth of healthy liver cells.
Shape magazine singles out unsung superfoods
When you hear the term “superfood,” items like blueberries and avocados probably come to mind.
Thanks to mistletoe, ’tis the season to enhance colon cancer treatment
According to the American Cancer Society, colon cancer is one of the most common forms of the disease in the United States, following skin and lung cancer.