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Archive for the ‘Nutrivene-D’ Category
New study shows link between vitamin D deficiency and learning disabilities
Vitamin D supplement intake is beneficial for a variety of reasons, including weight loss and alleviation of depression symptoms.
Vitamin D supplements and weight loss can alleviate chronic inflammation
A new study published in Cancer Prevention Research found that vitamin D supplementation combined with weight loss is more effective at combating chronic inflammation than weight loss alone.
Pregnant women at risk of vitamin D deficiency despite sunlight exposure
In spite of its nickname as the “sunshine vitamin,” the sun may not be an adequate enough source of vitamin D for pregnant women.
New study dismisses concerns about vitamin D supplement toxicity
There have been some concerns that taking too many of these supplements present a danger of toxicity — concerns that have been debunked by a new round of research.
New study suggests IOM has miscalculated recommended level of vitamin D
Researchers at Creighton University and University of California, San Diego concluded that the IOM’s minimum vitamin D recommendation of 600 IU per day is just one-tenth of what is actually healthy.
New study links vitamin D supplementation to functioning brain health
While it’s no secret that vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids can help improve cognitive thinking, a newly published study may have ascertained just exactly why this relationship exists at all.
Do you need a Vitamin D supplement? Here are 4 reasons why you might
If you’re low on vitamin D this winter due to a lack of sunshine, consider boosting your intake with a D3 vitamin supplement.
Study: High Vitamin D levels could improve chances for colon cancer survival
New research into colon cancer treatment finds that patients with higher levels of vitamin D may respond better to the effects of anti-cancer drugs and chemotherapy.
New research highlights vitamin D deficiency as risk factor for seasonal depression
While low levels of vitamin D have been associated with a wide range of health risks, from asthma to cancer, a new study conducted at the University of Georgia has found another condition to add to that list: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).