Clinic introduces portion plates to teach students about nutrition and Down syndrome

According to the National Down Syndrome Society, one in 691 babies born with the United States carries the extra chromosome that characterizes Down syndrome. Among the medical issues that children with Down syndrome have to contend with is an increased risk of gastrointestinal disorders, which is why researching the best nutrition for Down syndrome is an important part of helping children and adults with this syndrome enjoy healthy and happy lives.

NCES, a Kansas-based company that specializes in educational materials for dietitians, nutritionists and other health professionals, recently released a line of proportion plates intended to teach children and adults with Down syndrome and other conditions about eating well. According to a press release, these plates have been introduced in a new nutrition-focused program at the University of Kansas' Adults with Down Syndrome Specialty Clinic.

"I selected this particular plate for a number of reasons. It is bright and colorful, it has pictures of the foods that go in the selected areas rather than just the printed word and it has characters on the borders involved in a variety of activities reminding my patients to exercise and stay active," said program director Moya Peterson.

Peterson added at the portion plates were well suited across the board for her students, some of whom have more developed reading abilities than others.

Portion control is just one important aspect of providing proper nutrition for children with Down syndrome. Click here to read information about our Nutrivene-D products

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