Even More NuTriVene Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

My child has a history of illnesses including; ear infections, upper respiratory infections, and sinusitis. Will Nutrivene make my child healthier?

Many parents tell us that their children are healthier after beginning Nutrivene. Dr. Lawrence Leichtman, a clinical geneticist, pediatrician, and President of Trisomy 21 Research Foundation, has observed improved growth, immune function, and developmental parameters (speech, gross motor, fine motor, cognitive) in his patients with Down syndrome that have used Nutrivene. Additionally, Dr. M.J. Gelb, a pediatrician from Germany has observed a reduction of infections, increased growth, and a normalization of blood parameters like Selenium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E.

You recommend providing Nutrivene 3 times per day. Is this necessary?

If providing Nutrivene 3 times per day is not convenient, provide it 2 times per day (divide the total daily dosage in half).

Is Nutrivene a cure for Down syndrome?

Nutrivene is not a cure for Down syndrome. Parents, physicians and therapists (OTs, PTs, etc.) have noted that their children, patients, and clients, respectively, that use Nutrivene seem to be more alert, healthier, and more focused.

Does insurance or Medicaid cover Nutrivene?

Parents have informed us that some insurance companies are covering Nutrivene. Typically this requires a letter of medical necessity from the doctor and a written prescription. We do not bill insurance companies. You would need to submit your International Nutrition invoice along with a claim form to your insurance company. Some states are covering Nutrivene through Medicaid waivers. You should speak with your program services coordinator or caseworker to find out if and/or how you can obtain coverage. Many Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) allow individuals to pay for needed Natural Supplements with pre-tax dollars.


If you have any questions, contact NuTriVene by calling 800-899-3413 or click here today!

International Nutrition specializes in nutritional and dietary supplements for children and adults with special healthcare needs.

Our Compounding Pharmacy Division offers specially-prepared, customized medications and drugs that can be formulated to be dye-free, sugar-free, and preservative-free.

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