Foods that prevent age-related conditions

As we age, our bodies are not only more susceptible to weight-gain, they are also more prone to diseases and age-related conditions. Luckily, adhering to a healthy diet can both alleviate symptoms of certain conditions as well as prevent us from developing them in the first place. Take a look at some of the top foods to add to your plate:

  • Edamame: “Packed with an intelligent combo of protein, and healthy fat, this soy snack is guaranteed to keep you full and satisfied for hours,” reports “In just a half-cup serving, you get as much fiber as you would if you ate four slices of whole-wheat bread.” Additionally, a study from the Chinese University of Hong Kong found that isoflavones in soy protein can help reduce “bad cholesterol” levels and raise “good cholesterol” amounts. Isof​lavones are also known to fight against cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis.
  • Grapefruit: If you are able to eat this citrus fruit, add it to your morning meals. Grapefruit is an excellent source of vitamins A and B5, potassium, folate and fiber, as well as cancer-fighting lycopene.
  • Salmon: Loaded with essential omega-3 fatty acids, salmon and other cold water fish are important to consume. Just three ounces of salmon provide your body with more than the daily recommended value of vitamin D, as well as 181 mg of calcium. In a study over the course of seven years, women who took both calcium and vitamin D supplements gained less weight after menopause than those who took a placebo. Fermented cod liver oil also boasts some of the same benefits as salmon.

For more informational about nutritional diets, be sure to contact Nutrivene to supplement your meals with essential vitamins.

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