If you’re battling with osteoporosis or arthritis, even simple motions can prove incredibly painful.
Curcumin may help fight cervical cancer
A new study, reported by an Indian news source, indicates that curcumin could form the basis of a new way to fight cervical cancer.
Research shows clear connection between genes and brain health
Scientists from Yale University and the Texas Biomedical Research Institute in San Antonio collaborated on a new study regarding the role of genes in brain aging.
How curcumin may help treat Parkinson’s disease
Though high-profile figures like Michael J. Fox have helped increase awareness about Parkinson’s disease, this neurodegenerative disorder is still relatively misunderstood among the general public.
Exploring the benefits of curcumin for brain health and happiness
Earlier this month, Fox News also published a piece on the possible application of curcumin as a natural antidepressant.
Can these brain-boosters help fight vision impairments?
A new study has linked omega-3 consumption with the risk and severity of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Study: This activity could provide brain support for people with MS
One common mental issue that as many as 50 percent of people with MS experience is memory loss.
Study: A brief jog may help keep depression at bay
Depression affects millions of Americans to varying degrees and extends far beyond a simple case of the doldrums.
Researchers investigate the role of plant sterols in long-term memory support
A team of scientists from Saarland University in Germany have begun to explore other natural compounds that may combat Alzheimer’s disease.
How a hot cup of joe may enhance your health
How many Americans rely on that first hot cup of coffee to start off their morning?