Scientists from South Korea have identified yet another reason to boost your uptake of this vitamin.
Study reveals memory support is a concern for younger Baby Boomers
Just 35 percent of the respondents who were concerned about their brain health had spoken to a medical professional about the issue, NBC notes.
Expert discusses nutrition for autistic children at Australian forum
These compounds, Matthews stated, can aggravate certain behavioral symptoms among kids with autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and other conditions.
Study analyzes benefits of curcumin supplements for Alzheimer’s patients
The patients took daily curcumin supplements for three months, and researchers found that many of the behavioral symptoms they previously exhibited had notably lessened in that time.
Certain lifestyle choices can bolster memory support, study shows
While it’s easy to assume that this cognitive issue are primarily a concern for older Americans, it is never too soon to start thinking about memory support.
Study calls for further research into curcumin for cancer treatment
One of the key advantages of curcumin, the article notes, is that it is “well-tolerated” by the human system. Previous studies have revealed its ability to control the spread of prostate and breast cancers by preventing these diseases from become metastatic.
Curcumin could be restorative after nerve injury
Recently, a team of Chinese researchers revealed that curcumin supplements could aid the treatment of crush nerve injuries, and facilitate the regeneration of damaged tissues.
Scientists identify another spice that may provide memory support
Scientists have established that two compounds found in cinnamon – cinnamaldehyde and epicatechin – can potentially prevent the build up of tau protein in the brain.
Omega-3’s may help heart by protecting brain health, study shows
Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be derived from seafood and various produce, have long been associated with a healthy heart, though the reason behind this correlation has remained unclear.
Curcumin may counter memory loss caused by food poisoning
Using an animal model, the researchers sought to determine if taking curcumin supplements could preserve brain function and provide memory support for mice that had been exposed to OKA contamination.