A review for the medical journal Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry has expanded on the use of curcumin in general oral care.
Needs of boys and girls with autism may vary, say researchers
Geraldine Dawson of the advocacy group Autism Speaks recently spoke to HealthDay News about a potential oversight in studies regarding nutrition for autistic children and other treatment methods.
These supplements could preserve functional ability for the elderly
This decline is often accelerated among communities that are consistently under-nourished, but the new research has shown that even those who have missed out on certain nutritional compounds for years could benefit from taking action now
New study highlights benefits of this brain enhancer over meat and dairy
This cuisine may be key to warding off dementia and promoting general brain health.
Scientists discover link between probiotics and brain health
She scientists found that the females who consumed probiotics displayed a different degree of cognitive responsiveness than those who did not take in the good bacteria.
EPA or DHA: Your gender could make the difference
The scientists administered omega-3 fatty acids to 94 men and women and found that doing so reduced the formation of blood clots by approximately 15 percent across the board.
Curcumin supplements could provide spatial memory support
Researchers discovered that aged female rats that received curcumin supplements were better able to recall and navigate a maze than those that did not consume the memory enhancer.
Promote long-term brain health with this fruit
Because strokes can be so detrimental to brain health, researchers are constantly evaluating relevant risk factors to learn how people can protect themselves from such an event.
New study underscores benefits of this historical memory enhancer
Earlier this year, a team of British researchers revealed that essential oil of rosemary may in fact provide the memory support that Ophelia attributed to it in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.”
Curcumin supplements may protect heart in face of kidney disease
Chronic kidney disease is closely linked with high blood pressure and cardiovascular difficulty.