This mineral combines with proteins to create powerful antioxidant enzymes that can mediate the damage done by free radicals – the harmful byproducts of oxygen metabolism.
Curcumin supplements may undo damage of salt preservatives
The researchers were particularly interested in how curcumin could preserve learning ability and provide memory support in animals exposed to sulfite.
How sleep can improve your memory-boosting efforts
More conscious effort is necessary to cement lower value events and ideas in this way.
Vitamin D linked to immune system strength in infants
Scientists found that infants born in May, on average, had approximately 20 percent less vitamin D in their systems than those who were born in November. They also had higher amounts of an autoreactive white blood cells that may target healthy human cells instead of infectious agents.
Scientists turn to another natural compound to fight cancer
According to a new study from the Texas Biomedical Institute, a substance known as gossypin, which can be derived from fruits and vegetables, could prove particularly useful for treating the skin cancer melanoma – one of most common types of this disease.
Researchers discover genes linked to Alzheimer’s disease
Scientists from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have discovered different genetic markers that could play a role in how tau protein accumulates.
Infant prebiotics may combat certain allergen-based conditions
Prebiotics are the compounds that actually feed the good bacteria – also known as probiotics – that promote overall gut health.
Scientists make new breakthrough in cancer treatment
Scientists led by pathology professor Dr. Irving Weissman have identified a cellular marker that is present in all cancerous tumors, and may be responsible for their resilience against the immune system.
Immune-boosting benefits of omega-3 explored
While fish oil and other omega-3 dietary supplements have been shown to combat disease by reducing inflammation, there is relatively little data regarding their effects on the immune system in general.
Researchers investigate effects of curcumin against MRSA
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, better known as MRSA, is a strain of bacteria that can wreak havoc on a weakened immune system.