Study reveals role of zinc in brain health

Previously on this blog, we've reviewed many of the natural compounds that have been shown to provide memory support – a hot topic in the world of medical research as the global population ages. Omega-3 fatty acids already have an established reputation for providing nutrition for the brain, and past studies have also shed light on curcumin's potential to combat cognitive decline. In fact, this powerful compound – which is derived from turmeric – has even been tapped as a possible supplementary treatment for Alzheimer's disease.

Given that this degenerative condition affects approximately one in eight older Americans and has been deemed the "defining disease" of the Baby Boomer generation by the Alzheimer's Association, it's not surprise that understanding Alzheimer's has been a top priority in research circles. Recently, scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison revealed another dietary compound that could influence the risk and severity of this threat to brain health: Zinc.

A press release from the university states that zinc could influence the degree of cognitive decline in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease largely due to its importance in upholding the structure of cells.

"When proteins lose their shape due to high temperature or chemical damage, they stop working and can clump together – a hallmark of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's," the source states.

Further investigation is required to understand this connection. Professor and study co-author David Eide notes, though, that zinc – like most other dietary compounds – should be consumed in moderation.

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