Parents often ask us about their child’s behavioral issues and when questioned further, sleep issues appear to be involved with many of the children. According to research, sleep issues are prominent in children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, and a strong… Read More
Posts Tagged ‘brain cells’
Sleep Disorders and Potential Associated Behavioral Issues
- May 19th, 2011
- Posted in General
- Tags: adolescents, Adults, age-related health issues, Aspects of Sleep Disorders in Children & Adolescents, Behavioral Issues, Behavioral Issues in Children, brain cells, Children, International Nutrition, Kids, Long-Term Sleep Disturbances in Children, Maryland, Neuronal Loss, New services, News, Nutrition Maryland, nutritional supplements, Nutritional Supplements Maryland, Nutrivene, obesity, Sleep Disorders, Sleep Disorders and Potential Associated Behavioral Issues, Sleep Disorders in Children, sleep issues in youth, Sleep loss, Sleep loss in Children, Sleep Loss in Kids, Sleep Problems, Tips, Up to date Information
- April 27th, 2011
- Posted in General
- Tags: aerobic exercise increased hippocampal volume, age-related health issues, Alzheimer’s disease, animal research, anorexia nervosa, attention, birth of neuronal cells, brain cells, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, bulimia nervosa, caffeine intake for increasing nerve cells, calorie restriction, dementia, depression, Down Syndrome, improve memory, intellectual stimulation, International Nutrition, language ability, mood, Nerve growth factor, Neurogenesis, number of neurons is reduced in the hippocampal region of the brain, Nutriotion Maryland, Nutrivene, physical activity is one of the most researched and promising ways to promote neurogenesis, promote neuronal development, promoting neuronal development, researchers, stroke, theory was debunked, widely studied field
Remember when we were told that you were born with all the brain cells you would have and they would not reproduce? Not true! This theory was debunked in 1998 and researchers have never looked back. Neurogenesis – the birth… Read More