by Simon Ranger Seaweeds, or ‘kelps’ as the wild brown algae are sometimes called, are known to assist the acid-alkaline balance (1), have a prebiotic effect on the gut flora (2), help protect the gut lining (3), stimulate the secretion… Read More
Posts Tagged ‘gut flora’
Seaweed in Colon Health & Nutrition (Part 1)
- September 22nd, 2011
- Posted in General
- Tags: acid-alkaline balance, bind and remove toxic metals, brown seaweed, brown seaweeds, Clinical nutritionist, Colon Health, Colon Health Handbook, colon inflammation, conventional diet, digestion, digestive enzymes, electrolyte, electrolyte balance, GAPS diet Foods to Choose, gut flora, improve circulation, kelps, metabolism, natural digestive healing, nutrient absorption, Nutrition, nutritionist, Nutrivene, prebiotic effect, protect the gut lining, regulate fatty acid metabolism, restore dry skin, seaweed, Seaweed in Colon Health & Nutrition, Seaweeds, sstimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes, strengthen immunity, toxic metals, wild brown algae
How a Physician Cured Her Son’s Autism…
- August 1st, 2011
- Posted in General
- Tags: abnormal gut flora, ADHD, Adults with Autism, Antibiotics, Autism, autism epidemic, autistic, autistic child, Bloodstream, Bottle-Feeding, Brain, Brain Toxicity, breast fed, breastfeeding, breastfeeding is crucial t, breastfeeding provides a protection, child's brain, Communicate, communication skills, coping behaviors, Cured, depression, Detoxification, Develop, diagnosing, diet, digestive problems, Doctor, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, dyslexia, dyspraxia, Early Treatment, earning disorders originate in the gut, Fermented Foods, Food supplements, GAPS, GAPS Nutritional program, Gut, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, gut flora, Gut wall, health practitioner, High-Risk for Vaccine Damage, How a Physician Cured Her Son's Autism, how instinctive behaviors develop, How to Identify GAPS, Human nutrition, immune disorders, Interview, Learning, learning disabilities, maturation of the brain, Medical, medical doctor, medical practice, medical practitioners, medical school, Medical training, natural instinctive behaviors, Natural treatment, natural treatment for autism, neurological disorders, Neurologist, Neurology, Neurosurgeon, nourishment, Nutrition, Physician, planning a pregnancy, Practice, pregnant, Probiotics, Protection, psychiatric disorders, recover from autism, Research, Role of Vaccines, schizophrenia, Sensory information, Sensory organs, source of nourishment, Symptoms of Autism, Toxicity, Toxins, Treatment, treatment for autism, understand language, Use language, vaccine damage, Vaccines
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride has a full-time medical practice in the United Kingdom where she treats children and adults with autism, learning disabilities, neurological disorders, psychiatric disorders, immune disorders, and digestive problems. Here, she shares her insights about Gut and Psychology… Read More