People around the world will observe World Down Syndrome Day 2017 on March 21. From wearing the official, brightly colored Lots of Socks socks to joining in on the the 321 Virtual Run, there are plenty of activities taking place for you to participate in. No matter how you choose to celebrate, remember that this day is about raising awareness and advocating for the rights of individuals with Down syndrome.
Celebrations, events and awareness campaigns will focus on #MyVoiceMyCommunity this year. This hashtag symbolizes the need for people with Down syndrome to speak up and be heard at a local, state and federal government level. Within the context of the global network, this specific campaign will explain why it is important to speak up and what key policies affect the lives of people with Down syndrome, and also empower people to get involved and facilitate change.
Held every year, people in many countries first celebrated WDSD in 2006. Later, Down Syndrome international started the WDSD so that participates could track events and activities around the world. In 2011, United Nations General Assembly dedicated March 21 as the official World Down Syndrome Day. The date represents the uniqueness of the triplication of the 21st chromosome that causes Down syndrome.
DSi encourages all members and those passionate about improving the well-being of people with Down syndrome all over the world to get active in the days leading up to WDSD. While the DSi website serves as a single global meeting place for anyone to collaborate or share their experiences and event information, it's essential to get involved in a more active manner if at all possible.
Register with WDSD today to be able to upload any events, activities and stories to join WDSD's online international community.
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